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I had never heard of Bowen’s therapy until I was in a severe car accident in 2018.  Carol reached out to me and offered to do some Bowen therapy on both myself and my daughter. Carol explained everything prior to us starting and also described the types of health problems it can help with. At our first appointment Carol went through a history in detail before commencing with the treatment. Carol put us at ease and we felt very relaxed and comfortable. I have to be honest, I wasn’t sure what to expect and have been totally amazed by the results, as both myself and my daughter suffer no long term health issues from our accident. Having seen the success with our treatments, my husband decided to give it a try for his sciatic pain management.  After a few treatments he noticed much improvement!  He was amazed at the results as he has suffered with this pain for several years. Additionally, when my husband suffered a sudden shoulder issue last year, Carol offered her services again to help him regain some movement.

Carol has gone above and beyond to help our family and we couldn’t be more thankful! We definitely recommend Carol and Bowen therapy to anyone in need! Thank you Carol :)


The Matheson’s



​I cannot say enough good things about Carol or about Bowen Therapy. It has not only helped me with my Post Concussion Syndrome symptoms but also chronic neck and back pain that I've had for many years. I've literally tried everything out there. Nothing comes close to the relief I get from Bowen Therapy. Most importantly, the effects are long lasting. I highly recommend Bowen Therapy to anyone with pain or health problems. It has given quality back to my life!


Angela Burke

Ridgetown, Ontario

Unknown Track - Unknown Artist

Bowen has given me my life back.  I have suffered from chronic hemiplegic migraines for almost 8 years. At my best I would have 4-6 migraines a month and at my worst I would have 15 or more. I started seeing in Carol in September 2017 when I was having a flare-up with severe migraines nearly every day. After only 2 treatments my condition started to improve. This past month I only had 1 mild migraine, which is the fewest I have ever had since they began.

            Along with having fewer and less severe migraines I have noticed an immense improvement in accompanying symptoms like nausea and aura. Bowen has not only helped my migraines but it has also improved my complexion and digestive issues related to inflammatory bowel disease.

            Before Bowen I was taking anti-inflammatories over half the days of the month and frequently taking acute migraine medication. I have not taken any pain medication since beginning Bowen treatment and am slowly decreasing the dose of my migraine prevention medication. Bowen has done more for me than any other migraine treatment I have ever tried. 

            I am the healthiest I have been in a very trying 8 years. I cannot recommend this treatment enough. Carol really cares about her patients and wants to see their overall health improve. Mine definitely has!


Stacey Butler

Petrolia, Ontario

I have visited Carol for issues with pain in my shoulder, neck, carpal tunnel and most recently issues with my hip and lower back.


Carol offered a professional, personal and comfortable environment in which I felt relaxed.  She explained to me how the practice of Bowen worked and informed me how she would being the process.  She expressed a respectful and compassionate attitude throughout the session ensuring that I was comfortable with the moves that she was doing.  The treatments were both relaxing and therapeutic and eased my discomfort.


Beyond her professionalism, I feel that Carol really cares for each individual, their health, their circumstances and works with them in an effort to provide a positive outcome.


I appreciate her flexibility to work with my schedule and the care that she offered.



Alvinston, Ontario

I have suffered pain in my right arm and shoulder with numbing in my fingers for over two years.  Carol offered her services to see if she could help alleviate the pain.  Within two treatments the pain was almost gone.  The technique she used, though seemingly simple, had amazing results. 


Deane Clark

Fibromyalgia Lady


There is a word that just instantly drums up pictures of people in pain. I have been fortunate enough to been working with a lady for the past year who was diagnosed with this terrible disease. She came to me last May and could hardly walk. She was on so many drugs, I don't know how she remembered which ones to take. Literally a handful a day. Some to help with the pain, some to help her sleep, some to wake her up and mood pills. She had to quit work due to the pain and go on long term disability.  


After her first treatment, she had a nap in the chair while I worked on another family member. She reported that she had a good week following her first treatment. Joints were not as swollen as they had been.  


As time progressed, she continued to come almost every week. Every week she got a little bit better. As people with Fibromyalgia know, the pain and symptoms move. So every week we would diligently work on the area her body was telling her needed attention. As most people do when they start feeling better, she started resuming her normal life again. Often that meant she worked too hard in the garden, refinishing furniture or house cleaning and suffered a pretty good setback by the time I got to see her the following week. Together we persevered.  


One day I got a thank you card from her. It said that she had cut her medications in half. I don't recommend that anyone do this without consulting their physician first, but she did it anyways and told him about it shortly thereafter. He didn't disagree or prescribe anything new.


Recently she has been coming once every couple weeks and today I got the best text message from her. It said she was reducing her Lyrica to 1 pill a day. Even though she has been super busy with a new project at home, she is feeling good enough to cut meds and work on this project that is physically demanding! Amazing!  


I am so excited for her. I hope and pray that she continues to heal and someday soon, maybe she can ditch the last of her meds. Congratulations my friend. I am so proud of you!


It just goes to show that the body does want to heal and can heal itself given time and shown the way.


Every body is better with Bowen.

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My name is Christine, and I am that lady!  When I first saw Carol, I was sceptical.   "Like sure lady, push some spots on me and that's going to help!"  My pain was so bad some days I wished I would just go to sleep and not wake up. But it did work and I got off the medications that were messing with my mind as well as my body.  I still need to lose the weight that I gained and sometimes I have a few slower days, but on the good days, I can move mountains; accomplish things, and feel completely normal. There are no words to describe how these treatments have given me my life back.  I thought my life was forever changed.  Well we changed it back!  Thank you Carol.  Without you I really don't know who or where I would be right now.




(Fibromyalgia patient)

I have been seeing Carol for 3 sessions and the chronic knee pain that I suffer with, which is the after effect of a total knee replacement  seems to be almost gone.   It has actually surprised me at that these slight and relaxing adjustments have helped me so much.  Carol is a very calming person and puts you at ease and her treatment room is also a very relaxing room to be in.  I would recommend  that if you suffer from some type of pain that you have not had any success in controlling with other methods to give Bowen a try.  You have nothing to loose and everything to gain.  I would not hesitate to call Carol and see what she can do for you.  Going through life each day in pain is hard.  


Laurie Byers

Ever since my daughter was born 30 years ago I have had an issue with my hip. I walked with a limp. My hip would ache at night. I would get shooting pains down my leg and finally my leg would go numb. I went to the chiropractor many times. He said my hips were out and one leg shorter than the other. He would do an adjustment which relieved the pain but it was short lived.  I would get out of my vehicle the wrong way or out of my chair and "pop" the hip was out again.

Carol did 2 sessions of Bowen therapy on my hip. It has been a year since I had those treatments and I still don't walk with a limp. I sleep great at night now because my hip does not ache and my leg does not go numb. 

I also suffer with severe sinusitis.   It is particularly painful in my jaw line and I suffer terrible headaches. Carol does a Bowen procedure on my head and neck and the pain relief is almost instant as I start to feel the sinuses drain.

Thank you Carol




When you are in pain for over 3 years, with only temporary relief, you start to feel like you are never going to feel better. After being in a car accident in 2015, slipped down the stairs three months later and end up with a bruised tailbone, and then just when you think you are getting better over a year later, you become pregnant. After having my daughter in July of 2017, I started experiencing horrible back spasms. They would last from minutes to hours, making it hard to take care of my sweet little baby. They would occur anywhere from a couple times a day to every few days or once a week. I tried pain meds, massage therapy, both of which stopped working after a few months. I also saw my chiropractor, but those adjustments would only last up to a couple weeks, and all the while I was still in constant pain. In June I saw a sign for Bowen, and I only wish I had found it sooner. After a busy summer, I finally got to meet Carol in September. I had found someone who finally took the time to really listen and to try to get to the root of where all my aches and pains were originating from, and not just treat where my current pain was. With each treatment, I can feel improvement, and she can see improvement in my range of movements. Going from using ice packs all day every day, to only having to use them maybe once or twice a day, has been such an improvement. Knowing that this pain isn’t something I will be stuck with forever, and finally feeling relief has been so amazing. You don’t have to settle for the pain, there is a solution, and that’s Bowen.




Before being introduced to Bowen it took my husband and I two years to conceive our first child that also required medical help. Before my husband and I started trying for our second we decided to try Bowen’s fertility treatment that Carol offered to see if it made a difference. Its unbelievable  how affective this treatment is and how quickly it aided our ability to conceive our second child. We started our treatment before we started trying to conceive. The atmosphere is very calm and relaxing which helps to relax your body before treatment. The treatment it’s self is between a massage and a visit to a chiropractor, not that any bones are being readjusted. The depth in which some muscles need help are what makes it comparable to a chiropractor. I found this treatment very comfortable and attainable for anyone, even those who are not chiropractor fans which I am not. Not only did it help regulate my very erratic menstrual cycle but the headaches, cramps and duration associated with that time were manageable. The most shocking proof was the first month my husband and I tried to conceive, we did! The experience between trying to conceive my first to my second was more enjoyable, the stress was eliminated and the sheer surprise of conceiving so fast was both pleasant and shocking. If you are having difficulty conceiving, I highly recommend this treatment. Carol offers more than just fertility with Bowen. I’ve had the pleasure of using many resources with Bowen which include but not limited to adjusting my hip/lower back, carpel tunnel treatments and balance issues. I’m happy to report that the results for all of these treatments have been just as effective. Bowen has helped me carry on doing the things I love to do but were unable to because of pain or just not being physically able to accomplish. I highly recommend giving Bowen a try. 




I had never heard of Bowen's therapy until I was in a severe car accident in 2018. Carol reached out to me and offered to do some Bowen Therapy on both myself and my daughter. Carol explained everything prior to us starting and also described the types of health problems Bowen can help with. At our first appointment Carol went through a history in detail before commencing with the treatment. Carol put us at ease and we felt very relaxed and comfortable. I have to be honest, I wasn't sure what to expect and have been totally amazed by the results, as both myself and my daughter suffer no long term health issues from our accident. Having seen the success with our treatments, my husband decided to give it a try fro his sciatic pain management. After only a few sessions he noticed much improvement. He was amazed at the results as he has suffered with this pain for several years. Additionally, when my husband suffered a sudden shoulder issue last year, Carol offered her services again to help him regain some movement.

Carol has gone above and beyond to help our family and we couldn't be more thankful! We defeinelty recommend Carol and Bowen Therapy to anyone in need! Thank you Carol.


The Mathesons - Wyoming

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